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The JRT Secretariat was established in September 2019 after the launch of the Just Rural Transition Vision Statement at the United Nations Climate Action Summit. The JRT Vision Statement outlined the opportunity to transform how we produce and consume food, steward our land, and use our natural resources.   

Since then, the JRT Secretariat has fostered a global community supporting our work to achieve a just transition for people, nature, and climate. This has included the following: 

Launched by the United Kingdom and the World Bank in 2021, JRT is a knowledge and technical support partner for the ongoing Global Policy Dialogue for Sustainable Agriculture, which provides a forum for governments to share learnings and build momentum for agricultural policy reform.

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JRT facilitates the Working Group on Repurposing Public Support to Food & Agriculture. This group brings together government officials, farmers, business, civil society organisations and technical experts to share emerging evidence on repurposing public support to agriculture for triple wins for people, climate, and nature. Learn more below and read about The Case for Repurposing Public Support to Agriculture here.

Learn more about the Working Group

In partnership with the Climate Champions Team, the JRT Secretariat and many in the JRT community supported the development of the Non-State Actor Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature and Climate. The Call to Action remains open for endorsement through to COP30 in Brazil.

Learn more & Join the Call-to-Action

JRT published the Principles for Just Food System Transitions, envisioning a more equitable and sustainable future – and an inclusive path to achieving it to help create a shared perspective and guide for action. 

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JRT, the United Kingdom COP26 Presidency, and the World Bank built support for a Policy Action Agenda for a Just Transition to Sustainable Food and Agriculture.

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JRT convened the former Working Group on Land Tenure, Gender Equity, and Social Inclusion. Learn more about our work on restoring our relationships to land and natural resources in our policy brief on Land Tenure in a Just Rural Transition. 

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In partnership with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), JRT worked to accelerate investment and mobilise finance for a just rural transition, ensuring private sector investments support the transition to sustainable, resilient agri-food systems. Learn more about our co-published series of Investment Partnership Case Studies below.  

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Providing nutritious food to a growing global population while protecting natural systems which sustain life is a key challenge of this decade. Farmers, Indigenous Peoples, and rural and frontline communities are at the heart of our food systems and our work with an essential role in shaping solutions to scale up sustainable agriculture and achieving a just rural transition.  

Together, JRT and our partners are working to transform the way we produce and consume food to be healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable.