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There are currently no upcoming JRT events. Click below to hear about new events as they are announced, and keep scrolling for past events, including recordings. 

December 2023

COP28: Accelerating Food Systems' Transformation: Multi-Stakeholder Action

September 2023

Inclusive Policy Action for Transformation in Agriculture

Watch the 2023 Africa Food System’s Forum Side event: “Inclusive Policy Action for Transformation in Agriculture,” co-hosted by  JRT, FCDO, and the World Bank.


July 2023

Ensuring Genuine Farmer Involvement and Inclusion in National Pathway Development and Implementation

Watch the #UNFSS2023 Stocktaking Moment side event. This event brought together representatives from regional farmer organisations and international initiatives to promote a just transition to sustainable food systems and discuss their experience in participating in national pathways, featuring positive examples from countries and highlighting challenges to genuine farmer influence over the design and implementation of national pathways

November 2022

Repurposing Public Support to Food and Agriculture to Enable a Just Rural Transition, COP27 Food Systems Pavillion

Watch this event, co-hosted by JRT, IFPRI and FSEC, at Cop27. Speakers highlight opportunities to repurpose policies and public support for agriculture to incentivise and accelerate a transition to more sustainable and equitable food systems. 

November 2022

Financing a Sustainable and Just Food System, COP27 Food systems Pavilion.

Watch the discussion hosted by JRT and the Good Food Finance Network (GFFN) from COP27. The event highlights the role of public and private financial institutions in raising the level of ambition in finance for sustainable and equitable food systems and discusses how finance, farmers, businesses, and policymakers can best work together to meet sustainability goals. 

November 2021

Accelerating a Just Rural Transition to Sustainable Agriculture, COP26 Presidency Event

Watch this COP26 event that brought governments, policymakers and farmers together to showcase actions and ambition to accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture, through redirecting policies and support and scaling innovation, to deliver healthy diets, resilient livelihoods and economies, whilst protecting nature and keeping to within 1.5°C of global warming. 

November 2021

Integrated Solutions for Just and Resilient Food Systems

What do we need to do to transition to more just and resilient food systems? How do we ensure that this transition to just, sustainable, and resilient food systems? Watch this event recording as speakers explore how we can leverage integrated and inclusive approaches to repurposing public agriculture policies, mobilising investments, scaling agricultural innovation, and securing land tenure rights.